04 Oct “Sharp, engrossing…” – The Barnes & Noble Review
“The heart’s no brain. It is a simple enough piece of muscular meat taking deoxygenated blood and oxygenating it by a passage through the lungs, then sending it on its way to nourish the cellular system. But if one little aspect of the organ goes wrong, you are toast in a very, very short time. And go wrong it does, plenty: it is ‘the most common cause of death throughout the world’—nearly a third of them—’sudden cardiac death after a myocardial infarction, or heart attack,’ writes Sandeep Jauhar—who has already informed and entertained us about bodies and their discontents in his books Doctored and Intern—in the sharp, engrossing Heart: A History; in this case, a cultural, personal, and mechanical history…”